Jay chases chickens: A Very Cavallari recap

Every week we feature a recap of the nation’s hottest extravaganza, Very Cavallari. A reality show that stars none other than Kristen Cavallari’s husband Smokin’ Jay Cutler. The former NFL QB has quickly become the star of the show thanks to his curmudgeon nature on the show. 

This week Jay took a backseat for most of the episode, however he did show a romantic side with Kristin & took her on a date to a farm.

Hillarity ensued and both Jay and Kristin ended up chasing chickens around to terrible effect. With Jay showing off why he was a QB and not at a more athletic position. 

Watch it below

Our resident Very Cavallari fan Courtney joined us once again to break down everything from Sunday’s episode

The show airs every Sunday night on E Network and you can hear us recap it with Courtney every Tuesday afternoon on Fox Sports 910

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