Does The Scheme Change Anything for Sean Miller?

Last night, HBO debuted its much anticipated documentary on the FBI/College basketball scandal, called "The Scheme."

It was largely told from the perspective of Christian Dawkins, the key figure in the FBI's sting operation. While Dawkins was the key for the show and for the FBI, Sean Miller remained the public face of the scandal and the most talked about part of the show.

Miller was heard on FBI wiretap for the first time discussing recruiting and specific players with Dawkins.

It was salacious to hear Miller's voice talking casually with Dawkins, swearing exactly as much as you think Miller would swear for a man who literally sweats through his clothes during games.

It was hilarious to hear Miller express almost admiration for the lengths Will Wade was reportedly willing to go to secure players. Instead of being outraged a coach like Wade was unfairly acquiring players, Miller complimented his testicular fortitude.

Its clear Dawkins and Miller had a strong relationship. Its clear Miller was comfortable talking to Dawkins about specific recruits. And its always been clear that nothing at UofA happens without Miller's tacit knowledge, whether it be Book Richardson's dealings or Christian Dawkins particular skill set.

Its also obvious to anyone watching and following along that Miller and the Arizona basketball program were at a minimum aggressively pursuing recruits with little regard for the actual rules. If you want to play the semantics game, we don't know if Miller ever directly orchestrated payment to players but we do know that Miller at least privately didn't appear to care if that was the perception.

Will Miller face any consequences for what was shown last night? It doesn't seem likely.

Arizona's athletic department declined comment on the doc.

For me, its clear that college basketball is full of the kind of behavior Miller and others are accused of. Its also clear that putting coaches in jail with federal felonies is insane. And its clear the NCAA being painted as the victim is laughable.

I'm pretty sure Miller was directly involved in breaking rules to land recruits. I'm also not sure if thats a fireable offense or a job requirement but I'm leaning towards the latter.

The crazy part of all of this is it hasn't really worked out for Miller. After 11 years and zero Final Fours under Miller, Arizona has little to show for whatever has been going on behind the scenes.

Miller faces a win or else season next year in Tucson and thats mostly because of what he's not done on the court, not what he may have done off it.

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